My Patriarchal Blessing

Patriarchal Blessing

Date: 30 April, 2000

Patriarch: Jack Bassett Taylor

Parker Colorado Stake

Brother Jerimiah James Baldwin, you have faithfully prepared yourself to come before the Lord to receive His blessing. Having the authority of the holy Melchizedek Priesthood vested in me as an ordained patriarch in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I lay my hands upon your head and pronounce this blessing from your Father in Heaven. You are a beloved son of God. You were endowed with many gifts and blessings before the world was that you might come forth in this last dispensation of time prepared to assist in the growth of The Church and in carrying the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the world. You were faithful in your first estate, known as a defender of righteousness. You rejoiced with all the hosts of heaven to know that you would come to earth to receive a mortal body to house your eternal spirit and the blessing of agency that you might be free to choose your way.

You have reached the point in your life at an early age when you are about to enter into adulthood. This is a beautiful world the Lord has given you and the opportunities are endless. Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all things will be added unto you. The Lord has much for you to accomplish. Therefore, remember to seek His counsel in all things that He may guide you by the hand to complete all that you were sent forth upon the earth to do.

I declare that you are a literal descendant of the Tribe of Ephraim in the royal House of Israel. Therefore you are an heir to the covenants that the Lord made with Father Abraham. If you are faithful in all things, seeking first to do the work of God, then you will find the greatest joys in life. I bless you with the gift of wisdom that you may righteously apply the wisdom of God you receive. I bless you with the gift of knowledge that you may recognize, whether in temporal or spiritual education, the truths therein. By these gifts you may not be confused or confounded by the wiles of the adversary. 

I bless you with the gift of discernment that you may know in every circumstance truth from error and virtue from vice. By knowing and choosing righteously you may avoid all the pitfalls and snares that the adversary will place in your path. I bless you with desire to be virtuous. Go carefully. Choose companions wisely, for Satan uses the unrighteous to divert the righteous from the correct path. Always remember that you are a beloved son of God, sent to earth to show by your righteous doings that you are worthy to return to His presence and inherit your place in His Kingdom.

I bless you that you will have an education sufficient to provide for all your needs in life and to spare. I bless you that through your diligent efforts none who are dependent upon you will be in want. But remember, dear Brother, to carefully follow and observe the law of tithes and offerings as counseled by the Prophet Malachi. Then the Lord will open the windows of heaven to pour you out His blessing that you may find joy by the fruits of your righteous labors and uplift those who are not so richly blessed. In all these be humble, for you can only accomplish righteous works by obedience to the Lord. 

At the proper time you will receive the holy Melchizedek Priesthood, which is the power to minister upon earth by the authority of God. Remember in all your ministrations to seek His counsel that what you do will be according to His will. I bless you that in the house of the Lord you will one day receive all the promises and blessings pertaining to the new and everlasting covenant. You will be privileged to kneel at the holy altar to receive your beloved, eternal companion. She will honor you as you honor your Priesthood. I bless you that you will have posterity to gladden your home and bring you joy throughout your life. In teaching your children follow the counsel of the Lord that they may grow up in a home filled with love, integrity, fidelity, trust and godliness. By these experiences they will see your good works and glorify God. If you will do these things and follow the counsel of the prophets, your children will not stray from the principles of the Gospel but will remain steadfast all the days of their lives. By their good works they will bring honor to your name.

I bless you with the spirit of Elijah that you will find in your heart the desire to serve your ancestors by coming to know them through seeking their records, performing their works in the temple and opening the way for them to progress in the eternities. Many will call you blessed for your loving service. Remember that the source of all good is God. He gave you a powerful mind and intellect. You have a tender heart and a desire to serve Him. You are blessed with the gift of leadership. Go forward in your Priesthood callings with diligence and enthusiasm that through your hands the Lord may accomplish a mighty work. I bless you that, as you are faithful in these things, the day will come when you will be given great responsibilities in The Church.

You will be called to serve a mission to teach your brothers and sisters the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Prepare yourself for that day in languages and righteousness that when you are called to serve you will be ready. I bless you that you will go forth with power to convince men of its truthfulness, touching lives and bringing many to the waters of baptism. I bless you with the gift to know that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. As you diligently study the scriptures and seek to know them through prayer and through the teachings of the prophets and if you remain steadfast, the day will come when your testimony will be unshakable and you will know Him. If you do these things, seeking only to live your life according to the principles of the Gospel and to do good works, glorifying God and giving all glory and honor unto Him, the day will come when you will be a special witness to His Second Coming, welcoming Him with all the righteous hosts of heaven to His Millennial Reign.

Be humble and teachable. Be honest in all your doings. Never speak guile. Be a friend to the downtrodden and homeless. Lift up those who are in spiritual need that their lives may be blessed and that you may find joy. Be patient and long-suffering in adversity, kind, considerate, filled with godliness and temperance. Let your light shine forth to all as a beacon of righteousness.

You have the power within you to accomplish a mighty work during your mortal probation. If you do you will come forth in the morning of the first resurrection crowned with glory, immortality and eternal life and be blessed to enjoy eternal rest in the presence of God with all your righteous family gathered about you. There is no greater blessing. Now I send you forth to find joy in accomplishing all these things. Have a bright countenance and a perfect brightness of hope in the future. I seal these blessings upon you in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.