Check this out! I’m a person. Take a moment and get to know me.

Personal Life

Mom and Dad used to tell me that I was an accident and that’s why my nick name is “boo boo”. Good job, guys!

My name is Jerimiah (yes that’s how it is spelled), but to this day my adult siblings can’t seem to pronounce anything but “germy”, as if I were covered in some kind of microscopic awesomeness. 

Being raised by an engineer/rocket-scientist I’m constantly drawn to getting to the bottom of how things work: electronics, mechanical devices, the human body, relationships, religions, the elaborate rides and decorations at Disneyland theme parks… 

There’s not a lot of handywork that I cannot do. I finished a 1,000+ sq ft. basement without any professional help. That included water, waste, and gas plumbing and the electrical and HVAC. It also included the drywall taping and mudding – but that’s something I’ll never do again: 3 months of carpal tunnel syndrome was enough for me.

I embrace my emotional, aesthetic, conflicted, and spiritual nature.

Keep reading to find out a little more about what kind of a person I am!


me at Puerto Peñasco (Rock Point) MX, 2022


I do computer things.


I have a family: a wife and four kids.

These four little human people are miracles. They are unique, inspiring, fun, and endearing. They are all healthy and well. And, that is maybe the most important thing to me. I try not to take that for granted as I recognize many people are not so fortunate. My wife and children are all well educated, physically active, and nurtured mentally and emotionally. 

One of my fundamental beliefs is this: parenting is hard. Others might say that we are doing it well, but I second guess myself all the time. Parents, let’s be gentle and forgiving to ourselves as much as to our little ones!

My wife is an intelligent woman. I couldn’t ask for a better partner in life. While I know that I’ve improved her life – only because she’s said so – my life is certainly the disproportionately greater beneficiary of our relationship.


I have always been enthusiastic about aviation!

As kids, my brother and I would bike to the local municipal airport and watch small Cessnas and private jets come and go. 

We stumbled on a flight school/club where an adult let us sit inside the airplanes for hours at a time.

Thank you, nameless adult human person! Those countless hours inspired me and my brother beyond compare!


I love to stare at the stars and get a sense of just how small I am.

“Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying.” – Arthur C Clarke

Should we colonize Mars? Uh, yeah!


When I was younger, I danced a lot!

Lindy Hop was a cherished part of my adolescence. Lots of nights at Denver Turnverein. 

I know. I’ve got no rhythm. Thanks, Kelli!

^Cute girl I went to prom with. Thanks Cute Girl!

My Childhood

I was a rather mischievous fella. always lighting things on fire. If I wasn’t setting things afire in the neighborhood then I was probably playing video games or flying a remote-controlled airplane.

Being homeschooled was so hard when it wasn’t serving me well. But, when it did it was the most liberating, empowering, and stimulating experience a young man could have. Of my own accord, I completed four years of high school math (Algebra I/II, Geometry, Trigonometry) in just 3 months. I completed my K-12 education when I was 14 and received my GED when I was 15.

I was raised by goodly parents. Dad modeled for me the way to treat your spouse with dignity and respect, to say the least. Dad is the most selfless man I’ve ever known. Maybe Mom’s greatest contribution to my life was helping me believe that I was special, that I mattered. As a family, we spent a lot of time under the hood of the car, building fences or myriad ranch structures, or taking care of pets – lots of pets!

Thanks Mom and Dad for making me and for always being there.


I was once Mormon. 

Now, there is so much to discover.